It has been a busy and productive time, with my graphic novel Pablo and Jackson On Tour now available in eBook format and from this I have taken 12 images with text, and produced a 2020 calendar of the same title. I am very pleased to say that local art galleries and shops have stocked the calendar. I have had further good news this month as my dad’s WW2 biography Battle Honours is now being stocked by Waterstones locally in Brighton and my home-town Guildford – following on from earlier sales success by virtue of orders merely being requested through them. In truth, I found it most difficult to break into the monopoly of the ‘usual suspects’ of predictable repeat titles in bookshops – but now I have a platform on the shelves! Many thanks to the respective managers of Waterstones, who took a punt on me!
So after the recent hard work, and a short break from my fifth book, I am now off to Dublin for a brief holiday with my wife Sue, who is arranging to meet her cousins and tracing family roots. We haven’t been over there for almost 15 years, so there’s lots to catch up with!
Finally, it is almost a year since I was in Cancun, Mexico and at a fabulous beach wedding ceremony for my nephew Jordan and local gal Diana. And now just a week ago, they are the proud parents of tiny twins – one girl and one boy. Viva Camila and Santiago.