
OVDA  – An Airbase for Peace

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I have at last found some new momentum to continue my fifth book  ‘OVDA  – An Airbase for Peace’.  Sadly it has taken the war in Gaza to propel me back into the Middle East and recount my stay during much better times in the Holy Lands of Israel and Palestine.  I try very hard […]


Updated Editions and Print On Demand

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With renewed energy, I decided to build on the eBook formats of my books and now have additional settings on Amazon for Print On Demand versions in paperback. So (ta-rah!), Carte Rouge, Battle Honours and Pablo and Jackson On Tour are now available as updated editions and in both reading formats. I think that Pablo and Jackson as a […]


Pablo and Jackson On Tour

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It has been a busy and productive time, with my graphic novel Pablo and Jackson On Tour now available in eBook format and from this I have taken 12 images with text, and produced a 2020 calendar of the same title. I am very pleased to say that local art galleries and shops have stocked […]


One Year On

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This year to date has certainly flown by, and is a reflection of how busy I have been – along with lazy days wasted on the beach, in another fine Summer of sunshine on the Sussex coast. I had intended to be substantially progressing my fourth book ‘Ovda’ a memoir based on my work and […]